Renaissance Wax Polish , 200 ml or 65 ml
For over forty years, Renaissance Wax has been the No. 1 choice of museums for the preservation of precious items including swords and other edged weapons. Professional conservators throughout the world depend on Renaissance Wax to protect their collections. Properly applied, a little goes a long way. Also known in the metal detecting world as Relic Wax
Apply Wax Very Sparingly & Gently Buff!
Cleans Beautifully
Lifts oil, dirt and the murky accretions of other polishes. The surface detail remains crystal clear through unlimited applications of this translucent wax.
Restores and Enhances
Revitalizes and returns your objects to pristine condition. Renaissance Wax buffs easily to a hard, transparent finish that will not discolor.
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Renaissance Micro-Crystalline Wax Polish from England has been the #1 choice of major museums, art galleries and institutions for the preservation of their precious pieces.
Professional conservators, retailers, amateur restorers and private individuals throughout the world depend on Renaissance Wax to protect their collections and for home use.
Cleans Beautifully
Lifts oil, dirt and the murky accretions of other polishes. The surface detail remains crystal clear through unlimited applications of this translucent wax.
- Removes previous wax buid-up
- Reveals fine detail & wood grain
- Non-staining, non-abrasive
Restores and Enhances
Revitalizes and returns your objects to pristine condition. Renaissance Wax buffs easily to a hard, transparent finish that will not discolor.
- Renews fading colors and “tired finishes”
- Retains matte finish when unpolished
- Buffs to a high gloss
- Reduces shine of new picture varnish
Key Features
Polishes and Protects
Guards your precious pieces against the damaging effects of humidity, heat, dust, environmental destruction, aging and ordinary wear.
Renaissance Wax provides a barrier against fingerprints and the devastation of water, wine, alcohol and other spills. Due to its high moisture resistance, it forms a durable, lustrous protective coating.
- Prevents tarnish, corrosion and “bloom”
- Remains completely waterproof
- Retards weathering on exteriors and objects exposed to climatic abrasion
A little goes a long way… and lasts a long time
Excellent spread-ability and indefinite shelf life make Renaissance Wax economical and convenient, even for very large objects and infrequent use. A small dab goes a long way, unlike most waxes that need generous application. Use a minimal amount of Renaissance Wax, rub lightly and buff. The long-lasting preservation reduces the need for frequent maintenance.
- Airtight container keeps wax in perfect condition
- Easy to spread, no caking or drying out
- Indefinite shelf life
- No “polish” smell
- No added fragrance to endanger material
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